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Houston County Commission releases statement on protestor arrest



DOTHAN, Ala.— A Houston County man was arrested Monday on a harassment charge due to an altercation in front of the administration building.

The suspect, 74-year-old George Trotter, had long been in conflict with the commission as part of his “We the People” group, which has protested corruption in the county government. Trotter’s conflict came to a head last year when the commission suspended him from meetings due to not following decorum.

Trotter has maintained that the commission has continued to bar him from the meetings, but the commission said that’s not the case.

“Meetings of the Houston County Commission are currently not open to the public due to COVID restrictions but are available on Zoom and comments may be submitted via email,” Chairman Mark Culver said. “Anyone with items on the agenda are allowed to attend. We are not selectively restricting anyone from attending our meeting. We hope and look forward to these COVID restrictions ending soon.”

Culver also said the arrest had nothing to do with the protests aimed toward the Houston County Commission. The arrest stemmed from an altercation at the front door of the administration last Thursday.

