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Newborn baby boy found alive in dresser drawer in Chicago alley



A newborn baby has been found in the drawer of a discarded dresser in an alley in Chicago. The baby, who is less than a week old, was discovered by a woman on Tuesday morning. The woman noticed the dresser, which was with a pile of trash, and wanted to up cycle the handles so she stopped to remove them.

It was then she found the newborn baby boy alive in the bottom drawer. The woman told EMS crews she didn’t believe the baby had been there all night but was possibly left in the morning. Officials said trash pickup was underway in the area where the infant was found but it wasn’t clear if the dresser was in the pickup area.

“It’s a good thing somebody came by. It’s hot out there, it could’ve ended differently, but it’s all seemingly worked out,” Chicago Fire Department spokesman said.

Fire officials say the baby was taken to hospital to be checked over and is said to be in good condition. Police are now appealing for information in the hope of identifying the baby boy. 

Image Source – Facebook Post

