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Mom-shamers criticize Kate Hudson for allowing her daughter to have a pacifier at 3 years old



It’s hard enough being a mom at the best of times but when you’re in the spotlight and choose to share your experiences with the public it must feel like the world and his wife have opinions on your parenting.

Hollywood actress Kate Hudson sparked widespread criticism recently when she posted a picture of herself holding her 3-year-old daughter Rani.

More than 200,000 people reacted to the post with many saying how adorable the two looked together, even admiring the dream bedroom scene behind her, but many also came out to criticize Hudson for allowing her child to still use a pacifier at 3 years old.

“I totally adore you from the day you were born… please take the pacifier away from your precious daughter…. Her teeth are being compromised… ” one person wrote. 

“Take the pacifier away, that child’s mouth is already jacked up,” another commenter said. “A pacifier and a cage,” someone else commented, seemingly referencing Rani’s crib in the background. “Time to grow little girl, you are 3,” they added.

In the photo, Kate’s daughter can be seen with a stuffed animal–style pacifier as adoring mom Kate holds her in what appears to be her nursery.

The 42-year-old Oscar winner is engaged to Rani’s father musician and actor Danny Fujikawa.

Hudson also has two older sons Ryder Russell, 17, from her marriage to Black Crowes’ frontman Chris Robinson and 10-year-old son Bingham Hawn Bellamy from her relationship with Muse frontman Matt Bellamy.

Hudson hasn’t responded to the judgy people on the internet who feel it necessary to call out a mom of 3 on her parenting skills.

But according to the experts kids Rani’s age don’t have too much to worry about where pacifiers are concerned.

“If your child stops sucking on a pacifier or his thumb or fingers before his permanent front teeth come in, there’s a good chance his bite will correct itself,” the American Academy of Pediatrics says.

“However, if the bite does not correct itself, and the upper adult teeth are sticking out, orthodontic treatment may be needed to realign the teeth and help prevent broken front teeth.”

While the general consensus is to gently wean your child off his or her pacifier before their adult front teeth come in, it seems little Rani has some time before she has to say goodbye to her binky.

