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Dothan stores seeing surge in sports apparel sales



DOTHAN, Ala. — With troy football staring back a few weeks ago and the SEC starting this weekend, local sporting apparel stores are seeing sales increase as excitement grows.

With the pandemic delaying, college football start dates local shops like Screentech have seen their sales take a hit. However, Screentech said since Troy has started back, they’ve have seen sales increase.

“We’re seeing more and more interest and I think the general populace because we’re so passionate about college football here in the south, they’re excited they’re ready to express themselves,” Screentech President Shannon Collins said.

Collins said he believes people are doing this to get back to some normalcy.

“You know that’s their way of you know kind of getting that sense of normalcy that you alluded to, but you know we’re emotional about football,” Collins said. “We’re passionate about football and that’s one way we express it.”

Screentech isn’t the only store seeing an increase in sales. Eagle Eye Outfitters said their sales originally weren’t great with collegiate apparel, but the past few weeks have changed that.

“What we’ve seen over the last two or three weeks has been an uptick in sales,” owner Mark Anderson said. “More people are interested in getting their gear even though they may not be going to the games, just a little bit more excitement knowing that football is about to get played.”

He said they’ve had more Troy apparel sales than other teams and he believes it’s because Troy started playing a few weeks ago.

