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City officials discuss possible raise for employees



DOTHAN, Ala. — The City of Dothan is considering a possible raise for city employees and workers amid COVID.

“So we’re very proud to be able to do this, Kevin Cowper, City Manager said. “One of our goals was to be sure that we’re providing a living wage for all of our full time permanent employees,” Cowper said.

With over 2 million dollars spent in wages and fringe benefits the City of Dothan is doing all they can to show appreciation to their fellow employees.

The plan for employees to receive this raise won’t yet be approved or finalized until reviewed at the city commission meeting being held next Tuesday. Raises will occur in levels according to the pay market, where employees who worked between 2-5 years will receive a one percent increase and those who worked more than five years will see two percent.

“We want them to be innovators and creators we want them to be well-equipped and well- trained and we want them to be accountable,” Cowper said. “We want them to provide great customer service,” Cowper said.

This plan is not yet finalized and will be reviewed by the board at the city commission meeting next Tuesday.

