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Locals not onboard with Biden Administration gun actions



DOTHAN, Ala. — The Biden-Harris Administration announced six initial actions to cut down on gun violence and prevent criminals from getting guns.

Not everyone is on board with the push for stricter gun regulations.

“Criminals are always going to find a way to get a gun, and I believe in the second amendment and the right to bare arms,” Dothan Resident Gail Clark said. “Especially single women.”

Biden called gun violence an epidemic in the nation. One woman told WDHN some guns don’t belong on the street but thinks people have a right to own a gun.

“Guns you know that shoot a bunch of rounds. I think that belongs in a war, but people should be allowed to have guns if they want them,” Dothan Resident Teresa Murdock said.

One woman said she thinks as long as people pass a background check then there shouldn’t be an issue owning guns.

“If people have gone through a background check for their permit, how many guns, what guns they have, I think it’s their privilege and I don’t think he should have any say-so in the matter whatsoever,” Dothan Resident Peggy Sheheen said.

Peggy said she believes the background checks are reliable.

“I think that they are very thorough,” Sheheen said. “It took time before I could even get my permit. I just I think that everything’s in place we just need to follow the rules.”

