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President Trump has officially conceded, resident react



DOTHAN, Ala. — It’s the controversy that is stirring all over the world–the president and him officially conceding.

Chaos broke at the U.S Capitol a few days ago filled with Trump supporters storming the Capitol demanding that they were robbed of a lawful election.

However, President Donald Trump finally addressed the criminal acts that were done and officially conceded late last night in a video sent out to the public.

Many believe this been highly anticipated and political analyst Steve Flowers agrees.

“No it is way beyond time for him to concede, he’s really made a mockery of the system you know it’s almost childlike.” said Flowers.

Flowers believed this day was highly awaited after his Presidency over the past four years and his fuel to an already lit fire inciting the rioting.

The President admitted that he would exit the white house in a peaceful manner and condemned the violence on the Capitol.

Flowers said leaving this way would be his best option and residents agree.

“With all of the lawsuits and things going on he went as far as he possibly could and I think the peaceful transition is important,” Valarie Weisiger, resident said.

“Doing the peaceful approach was the best thing to do,” said resident, Todd Miller.

Given his unpredictability over the past four years throughout his presidency makes it hard for flowers to believe if he will truly exit peacefully.

“His character and characteristics have been unpresidential his entire time so it’s almost impossible to tell what he will do it’s just hopefully he’ll try to be peaceful.” said Flowers.

