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Wiregrass Electric crew prepares to aid weather-stricken parts of state



DOTHAN, Ala.— When inclement weather is near, much like today, Wiregrass Electric and other electrical companies have to prepare for power outages and any other accidents caused by the weather.

Although the Wiregrass may not receive as much severe weather as other areas of the state, electric officials still warn about emergencies, and Wiregrass Electric is ready to help out our neighboring counties.

“We have a crew that’s ready to go on standby, and I believe it’s eight men that we have that are committed to go,” said Brad Kimbro, chief operating officer. “We think they will certainly go, not sure of the timing yet, but they have reached out to us, and we have responded that we will be ready to go help our sister cooperatives.”

Kimbro said he has faith in his crews and hopes for the best to come out of this weather.

