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Supplements sold at Alabama gas stations causing spike in overdoses



ALABAMA — A surge in overdoses has law enforcement across the state concerned about a brand of supplements available at gas stations and smoke shops.

Florida-based MT Brands markets Phrenze Red as “designed to help boost your mood and chill without the crash. But too much of it can cause some very serious side effects.

“Any of these products could be life threatening, especially in combination with other medications or drugs,” warns Ann Slattery, Director Alabama Poison Information Center.

As of last week the center has had 16 calls since mid-March. Blount County EMS has also seen an alarming surge.

“We are getting multiple calls a day anywhere from 3 or 6 to 7 overdoses and sometimes it’s two people,” remarks Blount EMS Operations Manager Weslie Powell.

With four overdoses in one week Snead Police put out an alert to the public. One person needed to be put on a ventilator, another sent for psychiatric help.

“They were out of their mind, didn’t know what they were doing. Most concerning are the calls that come in the person is unresponsive and not breathing,” says Powell.

