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More local roundabout construction coming soon to Campbellton Highway



DOTHAN, Ala. – Aplanned roundabout at the intersection of Taylor Road and Campbellton Highway in Dothan will be underway in about a month.

Head of Houston County Road and Bridge Department Barkley Kirkland said a crew plans to start construction after completing the last bit of work on the roundabout at South Park and Taylor Road so two projects in close proximity aren’t in progress at the same time.

Construction will likely start at the end of September or early October, he said, and take a few months to complete.

The need to correct the junction has been present for some time, intensifying as additional housing and James Oates Park drove increased traffic.

“We’ve just had a lot of accidents over the years,” Kirkland said. “It’s an odd intersection. It comes in at a funny angle and there’s a curve. We think this will make it a lot safer right there.”

Kirkland said detours will take people through James Oates Park and out through the south gate.

The Houston County Commission voted in February 2019 to finalize a proposed grant agreement with the state, which provided the county with $642,663 from the Highway Safety Improvement Program. The county is left to pay an estimated $71,407 for its 10% share of the project costs.

The project will produce the third roundabout local officials have installed on roadways in the immediate area.

The roads are both maintained by the county, but fall inside Dothan city limits.

A city of Dothan project to extend Honeysuckle Road from U.S. Highway 52 will tie into the planned roundabout when it is completed. That road project will likely not start until the end of next year.

