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Moore’s allegiance is to Trump, not the constitution



DOTHAN, Ala. – Moore’s allegiance is to Trump, not the constitution Barry Moore should resign from his congressional seat. He has now proven that his oath to support and defend the constitution is merely words needed to be recited to take his seat. He has proved that his allegiance to Trump is more important than his oath to the United States.

Even after the Capitol was attacked by the second worst terrorist attack on our country, he still voted to overthrow our government and support the baseless false claims of voter fraud — exactly what the terrorists wanted and tried to achieve. Then he voted to not impeach and to support the man who put forth those baseless claims and lies about the election.

After months of stirring the mob, Trump called all his warriors to DC for what was going to be a “wild” day. He then gave a speech along with his other gas pourers to incite the mob and unleashed them on Congress, where they hunted the halls looking to capture and most likely kill the vice president and others.

The oath of office to support and defend the constitution is meaningless words to him. Moore should resign; if not, he should be censured and removed from office.

