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Local pharmacy receives COVID-19 vaccines before big name companies



DOTHAN, Ala. — Michael Pitzing owns multiple local pharmacies between Dothan, Headland, and Abbeville. Once he realized the COVID-19 vaccine would become available, he and his team did everything they could to receive doses for their customers.

“Well we’re very honored,” Pitzing said. “We jumped on it right off the bat and I was sort of surprised at how quick we were able to receive the vaccine. I really thought more pharmacies would receive it but so far I think we’re the only one.”

Pitzing explained that many of his patients are his regular customers who feel more comfortable receiving vaccines from people they know and trust.

Mike’s pharmacies have been administering over a hundred vaccines a day, and he will even come to their car if they are unable to enter the building.

“Well we try to set it up where they are for sure going to get their second shot,” He said. “I don’t want to do promise them a second shot and not have it. But, people have been calling us back when they did get their shot like some went to the farm center and got it and let us know you know take you off the list I got my shot.”

He also always makes sure to explain any and all side affects to his patients so they aren’t surprised by anything after leaving the pharmacy.

“That’s all. Your arm is going to get sore for a couple of days,” He said to a patient. “Y ‘all got some Tylenol at home? Okay go ahead and take your dose when you get home and tomorrow too because you might feel a little feverous.”

