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Just keep swimming: 96-year-old woman celebrates birthday at Dothan Aquacise class



DOTHAN, Ala. – Mary Sherlock spends three mornings a week at the Westgate Recreation Aquatics Center, “still kicking,” as the saying goes – quite literally – through the pool at her Aquacise class. However, Friday was not just an average day in class.

The lobby of the aquatics center was decorated with a large banner, balloons, and treats awaiting the end of the 9 a.m. class where Sherlock celebrated her 96th birthday with her daughter and classmates. Sherlock celebrated accordingly by getting in a good work out and then promptly eating cupcakes and chocolate gifted to her by classmates.

Sherlock has been attending Aquacise classes for almost three decades, and since the aquatic center’s reopening from the pandemic she has been joined by her daughter, Tomi Sherlock, who has taken on the role of her protector, ensuring everyone stays masked and socially distant around them.

“This is what keeps her alive,” Sherlock said about her mother. “While the center was closed for the pandemic, she was almost in a wheelchair. We are so grateful that they have opened back up.”

Sherlock, teary-eyed and thankful, said that the other women of the class have embraced her mother and given her something to continue looking forward to each week.

“Though she’s still moving a little slow, her memory is better and her attitude is better,” Sherlock joked. “It’s a blessing being able to come here.”

Jayci Sanders, a lifeguard at the Rec Center, said that Sherlock’s classmates were responsible for putting together the small party.

“They said they were bringing a banner,” Sanders said. “I thought they meant a small one, but they show up with an eight-foot long banner to hang.”

One classmate, JoAn Breth, wrote a poem to honor Sherlock for her birthday that included words from an old nursery rhyme. The opening line read “Mary, Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? Oh my dear, I don’t know it was nine decades and six days ago.”

Sherlock was showered with gifts and loving words from friends, especially the instructor, Han Kang Ning, who has been teaching the class almost as long as Sherlock has been attending. Ning crafted a handmade pop-up card that presented the numbers 96 when opened and was signed by everyone in the class along with small origami pieces for everyone to take home.

While the pandemic has slowed many things down in the world, Mary Sherlock seems to be following the wise words of a well-known cartoon fish to “just keep swimming.” The festivities ended with the promise that they would all be back there next year to do it again.

