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Just in time for spring – seed library launching in downtown Dothan



DOTHAN, Ala. – As warm temperatures stabilize across south Alabama, many are preparing their spring gardens ahead of growing season.

Dothan’s main library wants to encourage people to work their green thumbs by introducing herb, vegetable, and fruit seeds as items that can be checked out by aspiring or established gardeners.

“We’re aware of people wanting to grow healthy fruits and vegetables at home to eat themselves or share with their families so we saw this is an opportunity to focus on that,” Chris Warren, Dothan-Houston County Library System director, said on Friday.

Patrons don’t need a library card to check out the seeds, but staff hopes that people will bring back seeds from the plants they cultivate to ensure a sustainable supply.

“We’re hoping people will take advantage of this,” Warren said. “It’s a perfect time to check out some seeds and see what you can grow in your home garden.”

The library is a great place to learn new things, Warren said, and as such, the library has added gardening resources to its collection to allow people to read up on cultivating different kinds of plants and produce.

Seed libraries have been established in places around the state and country for at least a decade, and Warren said it made sense to launch one in Dothan given its strong agricultural heritage.

The idea started with staff members and gained support from local businesses, Aunt Katie’s Community Garden, and the Alabama Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation that awarded a grant to the library.

Staff is hoping the variety and diversity of available seeds continues to grow. The library will plan gardening programs and activities to complement the seed library as it gauges people’s interest and observes how people use the resources.

The seed library looks like an old-fashioned card catalog and sits near the main entrance in the library system’s core branch in downtown Dothan. The library should be fully stocked soon.

