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How to keep construction workers and drivers safe in work areas



DOTHAN, Ala. – You’ll find orange barrels and cones all across town as construction crews work to quickly reopen, expand and repair roads.

Several safety measures have been implemented to keep construction workers who work steps away and sometimes even on roads.

“One we have to warn motorists of potential construction zones so it will give them time to make the necessary adjustments that they have to and city workers wear high visibility vests or they are actually a part of their uniform,” says the City of Dothan’s safety manager Trampas Gougler.

Cones, signs, and equipment are used as barriers between work areas and traffic, but drivers have a role in protecting crews too.

“I like to say the motorist needs to get the big picture. In other words, your eyes need to look down the road not just exactly what’s in front of you. You need to look down the road so that you can anticipate, changes and take the necessary precautions you need to take to avoid whatever is going on down the road,” says Gougler.

Those behind the wheel should always be alert, but in construction areas, with workers present, that’s even more critical.

“The biggest issue is distracted driving. People with their cell phones or busy doing everything other than paying attention to driving. Just be courteous and follow the signage and take the precautionary measures before it’s too late,” says Gougler.

Since construction workers are out all day any day you might have to slow down even more in some weather conditions.

“As you know as a driver a motorist when the roadways are wet especially during the summertime when it’s hot the roads have an oil film that can be present and you put water on top of that and just makes it extra slippery,” says Gougler.

Even nice weather can cause problems.

“We see it every year this time spring break coming up. If you have an alternative route and you know you can utilize then I recommend doing that but if you’re going to drive the usual route just anticipate delays and take the necessary precautions and be prepared to stop,” says Gougler.

Gougler also recommends reserving more time in your commute if you know construction work will be underway in your area.

It is also recommended to use hands-free devices if using your phone cannot be avoided.

