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Houston County Commission to approve equipment donation to EMS



DOTHAN, Ala. – The Houston County Commission moved a request to approve a donation of equipment to the Houston County EMS Association to its Monday’s agenda at Thursday’s meeting.

The commission previously approved a purchase of new no-touch chest compression and defibrillators and other accessories using funds from the Cares Act. Since the commission has been reimbursed it will now be transferring the equipment title to the EMS Association.

The commission also heard two privileges of the floor speakers today, including Jerry Dillard and Gary Knight, both longtime Houston County residents. Commission Chairman Mark Culver preceded both statements by saying the commission would hear the items presented and take them into consideration for future action if deemed necessary, but would not provide comment or discussion at that time.

Dillard spoke about alleged voting irregularities he experienced in the March 2020 primary elections. Dillard said he had concerns about having to vote at a different location than previous elections and possible ballot irregularities.

Knight addressed the commission with concerns about the Houston County Economic Development Authority (HEDA) operations in dealing with The Crossing at Big Creek. He asked for the commission to look into land transactions by HEDA and to request an audit of the alleged transactions.

All other agenda items were approved, including:

Proclamation for Foster Care Month by Dustin Sheffield of the Houston County Department of Human Resources.

Proclamation for Other’s Day by Capt. Nathan Jones and Capt. Deanne Jones from the Salvation Army.

Request to award bid for security services at community corrections to the lowest bidder meeting specifications.

Request to adopt a resolution and enter into an agreement with AVENU INSIGHTS & ANALYTICS for collection of county taxes.

Request to reject an approved bid for two 2021 Chasis Crew Cab trucks for a new bid.

Request to approve the replat of lots 14 and 15 of Block “B” of Limestone Creek Estates with an accompanying agreement by the Road and Bridge Department.

Request to award bid for concrete work to the lowest bidder meeting specifications by the Road and Bridge Department.

Request to award a bid for a cross drain paving excluding asphalt to the lowest bidder meeting specifications by the Road and Bridge Department.

