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Ex-president George W. Bush wrote-in Alabama native Condoleezza Rice on 2020 presidential ballot



ALABAMA – George W. Bush wrote in the name of his former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on his 2020 presidential ballot, the former president said in an interview.

Speaking to People, Bush, a Republican, said he didn’t vote for his party’s nominee, Donald Trump, or Democrat Joe Biden in the November 2020 elections. Instead, he opted to write-in Rice’s name. Rice, who served as Bush’s Secretary of State from 2005-2009 and was the second woman and first African American woman to hold the post. is a native of Birmingham.

“She knows it,” Bush said of Rice and his vote. “But she told me she would refuse to accept the office.”

Rice currently serves as director of Stanford University’s Hoover Insitute.

The comments came as Bush is on a tour speaking about his new book of paintings, “Out of Many, One.”

