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Educators and business leaders in favor of Governor Ivey Pre-K recommendations



DOTHAN, Ala. – Early childhood educators and business leaders across Alabama met this morning to discuss expanding Alabama’s Pre-K program.

Governor Ivey’s proposal would increase the program by over 24 million dollars, the increase would add at least 207 classrooms and help enroll more than three thousand four year old’s.

UAB has completed studies on students through ninth grade, they’ve found that Alabama first class pre-k students regardless of zip code, school or demographics are more likely to be proficient in reading and math.

“The legislature and the leadership have committed to getting it to where any four year old that wants it can have access to it. So the progress we’ve made over the last several years and the progress I think we will continue to make over next three to four years to get it to that full implementation is something that will change this state remarkably for the better,” Jay Love, chairman of finance, Business Education Alliance.

The governor’s request does not yet indicate what communities would receive the new classrooms.

