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Daleville, Newton senior centers to remain temporarily closed



DALEVILLE, Ala. – Alabama senior citizen centers will be allowed to reopen for indoor activities as of Monday, April 19, but 62 pages of “reopening guidelines” is making it difficult for some local centers.

“I miss them all so much,” said Daleville Senior Center Director Laura Leger. “But due to the 62 pages of guidelines that have been sent to us, we are unable to reopen at this time.”

Leger said she and Daleville Mayor Jayme Stayton had discussed the “Senior Center Reopening Guidelines” issued by the Alabama Department of Senior Services in accordance with Gov. Kay Ivey’s April 7 state health order before making the decision to keep the Daleville Senior Center closed at this time.

The Daleville center will continue to provide meals for members as they have done throughout the pandemic, Leger said. Currently there are about eight members who use the curbside meal pickup at center. Leger said that the center will also continue delivery of meals to about 25 members in the Daleville, Clayhatchee and Level Plains area. Leger said that she is in the process of sending letters to each of the the center’s members.

Carol Richburg, director of the Newton Senior Citizen Center, echoed Leger’s sentiments about missing her senior members. She said that she and Newton Mayor Lonnie E. Daniels III had discussed the constraints in the 62-page document before making the decision. Meals will continue to be delivered and available for pickup for members as they have been throughout the pandemic, Richburg added.

Leger said that she is in the process of sending letters to each of the the center’s members.

