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Concern that Alabama could lose COVID-19 vaccine supply



HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Governor Kay Ivey is expressing concern that Alabama could soon lose some of its COVID-19 vaccine supply as demand for the shot slows across the state.

“Y’all, we want shots in the arms and off the shelf. If you have not made it a priority to schedule a vaccine, I encourage you to go get the shot as soon as you are able,” said Governor Kay Ivey.

The Governor’s comments this week follow an announcement by President Biden, saying he would begin reallocating vaccine from states where the vaccine is underutilized, to states where it is in high demand.

At Hazel Green Pharmacy, pharmacist Mike Drinkard says the phones are no longer ringing off the hook for COVID-19 vaccine appointments.

“It’s been a surprise because we figured once the age limit dropped, we’d be swamped,” said Drinkard. “Maybe the younger folks don’t see themselves as threatened by it.”

“What I’m expecting is that if we don’t start moving this vaccine that it could be taken from us by the federal government and given to another state and again this is our vaccine,” said Dr. Karen Landers of the Alabama Department of Public Health.

Dr. Landers added that she’s worried that Alabama could see another surge in COVID-19, and that if the state loses vaccine supply, there won’t be enough vaccine to go around.

“We are in a race with this virus right now, and just take this opportunity before we are in a situation where we don’t have enough vaccine because it’s been moved to another state,” said Dr. Landers.

Drinkard says he is also hoping that people will change their minds about the vaccine before it’s too late.

“Hopefully we won’t get to that point where we’ll be sending back or wasting. It’s too precious a commodity to do that,” said Drinkard.

