When the loosened guidelines were released by Gov. Ivey on Thursday, the department decided to reevaluate its decision.
“She made the statement that practices could begin as of 5 o’clock today (Friday) and any competition beginning June 15,” Carter said. “So we went back to the drawing board and we’re going to try and play league baseball and softball this year.”
Carter said the department will have plans in place to keep “reasonable sanitation” of shared equipment and shared surfaces.
“We’re going to monitor that, but we’re going to instruct out coaches and educate them on this stuff,” Carter said.
Restrooms and concession stands will also be opened once the games resume.
Youth league baseball and softball teams already had sign-ups and practices were ongoing before the coronavirus shut things down.
Carter realizes some of those who signed up will not be interested in continuing this season.
“We’re reaching out to everybody to find out who still wants to play,” Carter said. “We’re going to suffer some attrition there because a lot of people have probably just written it off.
“There are going to be people who aren’t comfortable with coming back out in crowds yet and having their kids in it. That’s just going to be part of it.”