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Alabama nursing home COVID-19 cases down nearly 99%, staffing low



Conditions are improving inside nursing homes throughout Alabama.

The Alabama Nursing Home Association tells NBC 15 News the number of vaccinations is up, and COVID-19 cases are down nearly 99% since December.

That’s the good news. The bad news is nursing homes, like most businesses, are facing staffing problems.

The association says the labor market is very tight for all employers across the state, and nursing homes are no different.

“Nursing homes are in that same boat. Our nursing home members are very aggressive in trying to recruit and retain employees, and we are seeing a tightened labor market out there,” said John Matson.

That tightened market is impacting Mobile nursing homes, according to a local emergency response worker.

Our source says, “transported residents have complained about sometimes having one person responsible for an entire wing.”

Our source also says there is overwhelming evidence of staffing shortages. In fact, we’re told it takes at least 30 minutes at some facilities to get someone to answer the phone or open the door when they are picking up or dropping off a patient.

“You shouldn’t have to go search for a nurse to help you,” our source said.

John Matson, Alabama Nursing Home Association spokesperson, acknowledges nursing home workers face tough conditions. He says the last 14 months have been especially challenging. The pandemic is impacting facilities across the state.

“It takes a special person to work in long-term care in a nursing home and care for the elderly who are chronical ill. Certainly going through a pandemic like we did, and still somewhat under here in Alabama, is going to create a toll on our workers. It is very emotionally draining. And the job is already very physically demanding, so we know the pandemic may have played a role in, somewhat, in our workforce challenges. We don’t know exactly what they are. They were the unsung heroes of the pandemic,” said Matson.

Matson says they have programs that will pay for you to go to school to get your license. College students and others can work while getting their license. For more information on that program, click here.

