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Alabama COVID-19 Vaccines Open Jan. 18 for Those 75 Years and Up, First Responders



ALABAMA – Gov. Kay Ivey and the Alabama Department of Public Health announced today that ADPH on Jan. 18 will begin providing COVID-19 vaccinations statewide by appointment to residents 75 years or older and first responders, including law enforcement and firefighters.

Appointments are made first come, first served. Adding these groups isn’t a full expansion into the next phase of the vaccine rollout, Ivey said.

“I appreciate the swift work of ADPH to establish a system to efficiently provide our limited resources of vaccine to as many Alabamians as possible,” Ivey said. “We have previously worked to provide vaccines to our health care workers who are on the front lines of the pandemic and, now, are diligently working to expand access to our seniors, law enforcement officers and various members of our first responders. It is critical for everyone to remain patient; demand is high, and supply is low. ADPH and their partners are working around the clock to assist as many people as they can.”

