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Alabama launches counseling line for people suffering from COVID-related stress



ALABAMA – A new program to help Alabamians cope with the stress caused by COVID-19 has launched with a phone line and dozens of trained counselors stationed around the state.

A federal grant to the Alabama Department of Mental Health funds the program, called Alabama Apart Together. It’s similar to past programs to address stress in the aftermath of natural disasters, but larger and designed for virtual formats such as social media and Zoom, said state director Lisa Turley. The phone number is 1-888-442-1793.

The program is based out of nine of the state’s community mental health centers but is designed for anyone seeking a sympathetic voice or assistance grappling with family or financial issues. In December, Turley said many of the calls came from seniors who felt lonely and disconnected. More recently, more calls have been coming in from people expressing frustration and fatigue as the anniversary of the first COVID cases approaches.

“Now our calls are people just realizing we are coming up on one year of life as we now know it,” Turley said. “People just realizing that just because it’s 2021, we didn’t have a magic reset.”

In addition to providing sympathy and advice, counselors connected to the program can also make connections to more specialized services. The pandemic has taken a devastating toll on mental health.

In a poll in June of 2020, 40 percent of adults said they experienced depression, anxiety or another mental illness related to COVID-19. Overdose deaths surged during the spring and early summer, reaching all-time highs in the 12 months that ended on June 1, 2020.

Stress from fear of the virus was compounded by financial strain and school closures. Many people across the nation lost income or work during lockdowns and some had to quit to stay home with children.

Turley said state officials saw the need for the grant early in the pandemic.

“Our local mental health centers this spring were just being overwhelmed with calls from folks who really don’t need mental health treatment, they just needed support,” Turley said.

During past disasters, support teams could fan out into affected communities, talking to residents and learning about people who may need extra help. The pandemic has hampered that, but Turley said her workers have been trying to find ways to connect without face-to-face meetings. In some areas, they have helped organize support groups that meet over Zoom.

Calls are confidential and anonymous, and the program allows user to communicate by text if they prefer. The grant lasts through July, but may be extended, Turley said.

“We don’t assume they are in need of mental health services,” Turley said. “We just assume they are having a tough time right now.”

