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EBOE to choose superintendent selection process



ENTERPRISE, Ala. – The process to choose a new superintendent for the Enterprise City Schools is the subject of a special called meeting of the Enterprise Board of Education Wednesday, May 19.

The EBOE will be voting on the selection process at the meeting scheduled for 5 p.m. in the Central Office Board Room. Citizens and any other interested parties are invited to attend.

At the May 12 EBOE meeting, board member Rodrick Caldwell was elected as the next school board president by his fellow board members.

Caldwell’s term as board president will begin with the next board meeting in June. Board member Marty Williams was also elected vice president. Caldwell had previously served as board vice president.

The board also welcomed new board member Joan Newman and the May 12 meeting was the final meeting for superintendent Greg Faught, who said his goodbyes to the board at the end of the meeting.

“I just want to let everyone know what an incredible journey it’s been for me in public education for the last 29 years,” Faught said. “I’ve been very fortunate to work alongside many likeminded professionals during my career.

“I also want to say thanks to all the board members over the years I’ve worked with for giving me this unique opportunity. There were many issues that needed to be addressed upon my taking this position and I can say, without hesitation, we met every one of those issues head on. My decision to leave public education has left me with a fullness, a clarity and a peace that surpasses any future challenges. I’m leaving on my own terms knowing that I have followed through with my commitments, therefore I’m completely satisfied that I’ve done my job.”

Faught also expressed words of encouragement for the board and EHS seniors.

“My hope moving forward is that Enterprise City Schools will continue to stand for excellence and I believe it will,” Faught said. “I know that the board will meet every challenge head on with openness and honesty. To the graduating seniors I wish you all the best. Continue to work hard and you will succeed.”

The board also recognized this month’s ECS Employees of the Month. Child Nutrition Program (CNP) worker Lynn Stinson was named the CNP Employee of the Month.

“I wish we could clone Lynn, she’s definitely one in a million,” CNP Director Stephanie Dillard said. “Lynn does so much for our program and all of Enterprise City Schools. She does so much I would be here all night if l listed them all.”

Bus driver Rita Strickland – who has worked at ECS for more than 30 years – was named the Transportation Department Employee of the Month.

“She has been an inspiration to her riders and to the entire transportation department,” Transportation Supervisor Ricky Britt said. “She has encouraged us with her words of encouragement and her actions.”

Britt asked some of Strickland’s colleagues to describe her in one word and the words they used to describe her included outstanding, Godly, dependable, selfless, humble, loving and faithful.

Curtis Williams, who has worked for ECS for more than 25 years, was named the Maintenance Department Employee of the Month.

“Curtis is a man of strong faith, integrity and great work ethic,” Maintenance Supervisor Matt Routley said. “He is always willing and happy to do any job he is asked to perform. It has been my privilege to get to work with Curtis and get to know him over the years. I think the school system is better because of him.”

Before the meeting began the board got a special performance from Coppinville Junior High’s jazz band. According to Coppinville Principal Debbie Hope, the band was put together in 2020 and because of COVID-19 this was the first time the band got an opportunity to perform live.

In board business, the hiring of 25 new co-op students – working 16 hours per week in “career appropriation” positions – was approved. The board also approved the construction of a “military grade” obstacle course over the summer for the EHS JROTC program. The obstacle course will be built using money from a grant the school system received to promote health and wellness. Faught said that athletic teams and possibly even the National Guard will also be able to use the obstacle course.

The board also approved the 2021-2022 employee and student handbooks. It was noted that a part of the dress code that stated that males are not allowed to wear earrings has been removed. That was a topic of conversation during this school year after some parents brought it to the attention of the school board.

A number of field trip requests and personnel actions were also approved. The next school board meeting is scheduled for noon on June 8 in the board room at the central office. The next ECS Superintendent will be announced at that meeting.

