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Enterprise mayor asks for calm in wake of gas supply problem



ENTERPRISE, Ala. – Mayor William E. Cooper called on Enterprise motorists not to overreact to the temporary shutdown of a gasoline pipeline that supplies Alabama.

He asked people not to “panic buy” gasoline in the wake of a cyberattack against Colonial Pipeline that caused a shutdown of all the company’s pipeline operations from New York south to Texas.

Media reports Tuesday morning said the company hopes to restore supply services by the end of the week.

“Let’s get gas as needed,” Cooper said. Cooper and other leaders throughout the Southeast caution that overruns on gasoline stations can significantly worsen the supply problem.

Cooper said city officials do not know at this time how big the impact of the pipeline shutdown will be on Enterprise and south Alabama, but it appears that some gas stations may be running out of gas in large part because of excessive gas purchases.

“Let’s not horde gas,” he said. “Buying extra gas that you don’t need right now can make matters worse.”

Cooper said lines at gas stations around the city were long this morning and some people are filling up gas cans in addition to refueling their vehicles. What’s worse, he said, is that the Enterprise Police Department had a number of calls during the night and this morning regarding arguments among motorists in gas lines.

He asked that motorists be courteous and mindful that crowding around the pumps can interfere or prevent other non-fuel customers from parking and access to the convenience stores.

