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With just days until skull surgery, a North Alabama baby needs some last-minute support



LIMESTONE COUNTY, Ala. – Back in March, News 19 introduced you to little Rosalei Rayne.

At the time, her mother explained how time was running out for Rosalei to undergo treatment for Syndromic Craniosynostosis, a premature fusion of the skull bones.

As Rosalei gets bigger, her brain needs more room to grow. Destiny Cook shared how her daughter’s best chance is a skull surgery called Calvarial Vault Reconstruction.

The family is set to leave May 7 for the Craniofacial Center in Dallas Texas, where Rosalei is scheduled to undergo the surgery.

Cook says the total cost to the family will be more than $45,000. It’s money they don’t have. So, she and her older children pulled together, making tie-dye t-shirts to sell and holding fundraisers.

Through a lot of love from the community, they made a dent in the financial burden but Cook says they are still $7,000 short of meeting the cost of the surgery, alone.

Now, she tells News 19 they are just praying for some last-minute support.

