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ALDOT Proposes Expansion to State Highway 52 in Geneva County



GENVA COUNTY, Ala. – The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) is proposing adding additional lanes on AL-52 in Geneva County from East Cox Street in Slocomb to Scott Road in Malvern, as part of the State’s effort to Rebuild Alabama.

The proposed widening will be divided into two segments. The first segment will consist of building two additional lanes parallel to the current two lanes from East Cox Street in Slocomb to County Road 73.

The second segment will create a new four-lane highway just north of the current two-lane from County Road 73 to Scott Street in Malvern.

In the past ALDOT has held in person meetings to discuss some projects and take comments from the public.

Due to COVID, ALDOT had to transition to online meetings.  The “meeting” will be a webpage that can be found at and will include project information, including current, proposed timeline, right-of-way information, and a place for the public to submit comments.

