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Controversial Voting Bills in Alabama Senate



ALABAMA – On Thursday the Alabama Senate debated a package of bills supported and authored by Secretary of State John Merrill.

Supporters of the package say the bills strengthen ballot security. Opponents see it as another effort to suppress votes.

“Ballot security is already there. We had the most secure election in Alabama that we’ve ever had,” said Senate Minority Leader Bobby Singleton (D)-Greensboro.

One of the proposed bills extended the timeframe for applying for absentee ballots. That bill passed with overwhelming support.

Another measure made it illegal  to vote in two states, which was already illegal. That bill passed.

A third bill would authorize the Secretary of State to conduct post-election audits of vote counts.

That measure was approved, but some Senators argued that it would give the Secretary of State too much power over municipal elections.

The bill that drew the most criticism was a measure that would ban curb side voting.

Democrats saw the effort as means to suppress voting.

Senators did not vote on the measure, but it can be brought up again this session.

