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Alabama health official says supply of coronavirus vaccines could outweigh demand



DOTHAN, Ala. – There are plenty of available coronavirus vaccine appointments in North Alabama, but vaccinators are starting to see a decline in people coming to get their shots.

Judy Smith with the Alabama Department of Public Health said there are enough vaccines available for anyone who wants to get one, but supply could start outweighing demand for the vaccine.

“Unfortunately, it’s getting very close and I will say that early on, we were concerned about vaccine resistance and availability of vaccines and we are flipping, we are flipping over now,” said Judy Smith, Alabama Department of Public Health.

Smith said the decline in demand could be a good thing, because it means the people who wanted the vaccine were able to get it.

“But is it concerning to us in public health, to some extent, yes, because we’re concerned about vaccine hesitancy, vaccine resistance,” said Smith.

Smith says the longer it takes for people to get vaccinated, it gives the virus more time to mutate.

“People really need to weigh what is the greater danger, and the greater danger is to die from this disease or to have residual aftereffects,” said Smith.

People getting their vaccine at John Hunt Park in Huntsville are encouraging others to get vaccinated as well.

“You know, I had no side effects whatsoever. I’m 72 years old, and it just was a non-event, and you know, I’m very happy to have the protection the vaccine provides,” said Fred Howe, vaccine recipient.

Protection that has only been available for about four months and only very recently available to everyone 16 and older in Alabama.

“I just hope everybody does it so everybody can be safe,” said Annette Vinson, vaccine recipient.

People have the choice whether or not to get vaccinated, but Smith encourages everyone to listen to the science.

“To really rely on the experts, not to rely on things people have heard, things that people just put on Facebook,” said Smith.

One of the groups Smith said they’re seeing the most vaccine hesitancy with right now is younger people.

