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Alarming amount of patients developing diabetes after COVID-19



BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Medical professionals are still learning the full extent of the long-term effects of COVID-19.

One long-term trend… more COVID survivors are developing diabetes.

A recent global analysis looked at a lot of early research on COVID-19 and discovered that an average of 14 percent of patients have gone on to develop diabetes.

“If it’s 14 percent for the first year, which is what we are seeing, that’s huge,” said Dr. Fernando Ovalle, professor and UAB Endocrinologist.

Dr. Ovalle says that they are seeing more patients who survived COVID diagnosed with diabetes after battling the virus. Researchers are checking into how the virus affects the pancreas in particular.

“There are a lot of people interested in this and we are learning fast,” said Dr. Ovalle.

He says that some people may not have symptoms of diabetes, or just some, like increased thirst, weight loss and blurry vision.

There have been enough cases that he offers strong advice.

“Probably everybody who has had COVID, when they follow up with their primary doctor over the next few months or year, they need to be checked for diabetes,” he said.

Checking is as simple as a blood draw, and they can treat it with insulin.

