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Rep. Barry Moore opens district office and discusses gun reform



DOTHAN, Ala. — Rep. Barry Moore is currently serving his first term on Capitol Hill and on Tuesday he officially opened his new district office in Dothan.

In the wake of the recent mass shooting in Colorado, Moore discussed his views on gun reform at the ribbon cutting for his district office.

“It’s never really about the weapon that’s used, it’s about the heart of the man that uses it,” said Rep. Moore. “So obviously there’s some mental health issues, but at the end of the day, disarming people who are law abiding citizens, by trying to restrict their access to firearms doesn’t do anything but allow the criminals to have access and that puts the American citizen, the law abiding citizen in more danger.”

A staunch advocate for the Second Amendment, Moore believes creating stricter firearm laws won’t prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands.

“The predator with the firearm who is a bad person knows where to go to find the targets that are unarmed,” said Moore. “So we’ve got to make sure that often we don’t disarm those that are law abiding citizens who just want a right to protect their family and they’re property.”

Moore discussed issues with supporters as he says he wants to be sure he is appropriately serving Alabama’s second congressional district.

“We want to make sure that we never lose the ties to the district,” said Moore. “It’s very important to me to have great staff who have servant’s hearts. So I want the people to know they can come here and we’re here to help them. And there’s a lot of red tape but we want to cut through that and make sure we take care of our constituents.”

Rep. Moore says republicans in the House are trying to stop what he calls “gun grabbing” legislation including two democratic backed bills that passed this month.

