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Local pastors believe a lottery is bad for the state, poor citizens



DOTHAN, Ala. — The Alabama legislative session is a week away, and one topic of discussion is a lottery in Alabama.

Many believe having a lottery in Alabama would help the state out a lot financially.

However, some argue that this will only hurt the people who play.

“The people who put their money in the lottery are usually from the lower middle class, and they’re taking their money into a lottery on the hopes of getting a lot of money back,” Old Webb Road Baptist Church pastor Ron Baker said.

Baker said the only people this helps is the people of the lottery.

“It’s taking from the poor to give to the rich in my opinion,” Baker said.

Harvest Church pastor Ralph Sigler had a similar view on it.

According to Sigler, the lottery will only bring more harm than good.

Things like covetousness and greed will come with the lottery, and even if the state does raise money off it, it’s not a good way to do it.

“It puts people into a position where they usually end up worse even it the government might raise a little bit of money,” Harvest Church lead pastor Ralph Sigler said. “It’s just not a very healthy way to be raising money for a government.”

