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After Trump, Black voters in Alabama have momentum, activists say



ALABAMA – Amid concerns about attacks on voting rights and a political landscape dominated by white Republicans, some Black leaders who are veterans of the fight for Black political power in Alabama see the potential for gains if current trends continue.

“Everything that I’ve noticed over the last couple of years is our people are much more aware — much more aware —  of what’s going on when it comes to voting,” said state Rep. Laura Hall, a Democrat.

She was speaking at a virtual panel discussion about voting rights hosted by the American Civil Liberties Union on Tuesday. With recent victories like Mayor Steven Reed’s election in Montgomery fresh in mind and with voter disenfranchisement at the forefront of the conversation in the run-up to the contentious presidential election, Hall said that continued efforts to engage and mobilize Black voters make her optimistic that changes are possible.

Local elections are an important part of that, she said.

