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Rezoning request blocked – Dothan planning board sides with protesting residents



DOTHAN, Ala. – A rezoning request was blocked by Dothan Planning Commission members after public protest by residents in some of the city’s higher-end neighborhoods.

Mike Patel sought to change his 8-acre corner lot in the 3600 block of Murphy Mill Road from single-family residential (R-1) zoning to multi-family residential (R-A) zoning, typically used for townhomes or apartments, in order to redevelop the property.

Planning staff recommended approval of the rezoning since the proposed zoning was in accordance with the planning department’s Future Land Use map, which designates the area as appropriate for multi-family residential use.

Several residents representing different subdivisions and neighborhoods urged the board to deny the rezoning request during Wednesday’s meeting with dozens more residents in attendance. Over 500 nearby residents signed a petition asking the board to block the request before it gets to the city commission.

Traffic issues were the chief concern, although other residents brought up issues of personal safety and a potential decline in property values.

Bent Oak Drive resident Doug Lee pressed board members about their history of approving rezoning properties that were inconsistent with the Future Land Use map, saying it’s not a reason to approve the request since the board has not relied on it in the past to make decisions.

“The traffic is going to be a problem. The property values are going to be hurt dramatically because of people’s lack of access getting in and out,” Lee said. “There’s no reason for one man’s profit to cause a loss for everybody else in the surrounding area.”

Lee received applause from the audience in the public viewing area at the Civic Center at the conclusion of his speech. One man held up a sign throughout the meeting that simply read “NO R-A”.

Other speakers hammered down on the traffic issues, saying the local schools – Providence Christian School and Kelly Springs Elementary – often cause jams during mornings and afternoons; an apartment complex could worsen the problem if roadways are not addressed.

After the lengthy public hearing session, planning commission members unanimously rejected the rezoning request.

