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Santa 4 Seniors Brings Holiday Cheer



DOTHAN, Ala. – In a time of isolation for seniors, SARCOA is doing their part to make sure seniors have a merry Christmas.

Bringing gifts and groceries to those who need it. Santa 4 Seniors has helped seniors throughout the Wiregrass during the holidays since 2006.

SARCOA Volunteer Coordinator, Amy Gillaspi said,“It is meant to help our seniors and disabled around our seven counties of the Wiregrass and its for anybody who may not have a Christmas otherwise.”

Some haven’t been able to leave their home in months.

Sherry Dunn, a Santa 4 Seniors recipient said, “It’s been very isolating, but I stay on the phone with friends and family.”

The pandemic has made it difficult to get the things they need, so SARCOA provides,

“Little things throughout their house cleaning supplies, bedding, sheets, that kind of stuff,” Gillaspi said.

Dunn’s only outside interaction has been with her nurse, caregiver, and SARCOA case worker.

“There are so many of us out here who are not able to do the things we’d love to do and on limited income and so there are things that are a great blessing to us when they are given to us,” Dunn said.

The Santa 4 Seniors packages were made possible by donations from people of the Wiregrass.

Gillaspi said, “During COVID its been challenging we are so thankful that we were able to get stuff for all 400 of our clients, all of them were sponsored, all of them got what they needed.”

Even in the time of social distancing they can still knock on their clients doors and bring them gifts to let them know that someone’s thinking of them this holiday season. And that’s what it does.

Dunn says seeing her caseworker makes her feel, “Very blessed of God because he is the source of everything that comes to us that is good.”

Making her year a little brighter. Although she can’t go out in the community, Dunn wishes everyone a merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year.

