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Stinson Christmas Tree Farm is open for business



DOTHAN, Ala. – Now that our stomachs are full of turkey and mashed potatoes, it is time to que the tinsel and mistletoe.

As a lot of families are cleaning up from Thanksgiving many are out Black Friday Shopping and some are kicking off the Christmas season.

“Families enjoy coming out the kids running up and down between the trees it is just a fun family time,” said Melinda Stinson – Owner of Stinson Christmas Tree Farm.

For close to 35 years the Stinson’s have been making sure families are finding the perfect tree to call theirs for Christmas.

“They get to choose their tree making sure they get the perfect one because it makes a difference in having a perfect tree,” said Stinson.

Then families have the option of workers cutting their tree for them or keeping it old school and cutting the tree themselves.

Stinson’s Christmas Tree Farm has three different varieties of trees to choose from

While the Stinson’s may be bias, they agree a live tree is the best.

“Well you have the smell the wonderful smell and we think a big part of it is being able to come out and choose your own pick out the perfect tree the families enjoy that we always do just picking the one that suits their life the best,” said Stinson.

But a live tree comes with some upkeep and safety precautions you should keep in mind.

“The upkeep really is to make sure you keep your reservoir full of water and check it daily for the first several days because they will continue to take up water even though they are cut and that helps a lot keep it away from heat sources like a vent if it is cold weather if you have to run your heat a lot and that will dry them out more,” said Jerry Stinson – Owner of Stinson Christmas Tree Farm.

If you plan to put lights on your tree to turn them off before you head to bed.

